
In this episode:

  • 00:00:00 Getting to know Maxim Wheatly - Rapid Fire Questions
  • 00:09:59 Introduction to Merico
  • 00:19:02 Merico Commercialization Strategy: Open Core with a twist
  • 00:24:56 Donating Open Source Projects to Different Foundations: Apache & CNCF
  • 00:33:26 When Should a Startup Donate their Project to a Foundation?
  • 00:37:09 Sales & Marketing In Open Source: Taboo Topics?
  • 00:41:55 Open Source Sales: Building Long Term Relationships and Respecting the Community
  • 00:47:04 What Open Source Metrics Provide the Most Value - DORA Metrics
  • 00:53:07 Important Sales and Marketing Metrics
  • 01:01:43 Thank you and final thoughts